Some Coded Events

Here is a list of previous news stories that carried coded messages in their corresponding 40th weeks.

Every 40 Weeks a major story is harped upon in the mainstream media to further a social agenda and to manipulate the stock market

These stories ran during the Week of…

09/07/2014 Skull of Holly Bobo found in Tennessee

06/14/2015 Charleston, SC Church Shooter Dylann Roof

03/20/2016 3/22 Terror Bombing in Brussels, Belgium

12/25/2016 Christmas Terror Shooting at nightclub in Istanbul, Turkey

10/01/2017 Las Vegas Concert Shooting from 32nd floor

07/08/2018 Return of 12 Thai soccer boys from Cave of Initiation

04/14/2019 Roof fire at Notre Dame Cathedral

01/19/2020 CDC Announces first case of new coronavirus in U.S.

10/25/2020 Terror Attack at Notre-Dame de Nice

08/01/2021 ?

All of these encoded stories can be interpreted by thinking in terms of the classic Hero story. Take the first one…. Holly Bobo’s skull was found in the woods by two men who went searching for ginseng. You can’t make it up any better. These two guys go searching until they arrive at the place of the skull. Then they return to tell the story to the police. The police say the skull is the skull of Holly Bobo. She had been missing for a long time. The mainstream news had been weaving the story for a long time setting up the sudden revelation during the appropriate fortieth week.

The “searching” is the “Quest”. The “place of the skull” is the Summer Solstice. This is a bit of information that very few people know. But now you know.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average would move upward until Summer Solstice and then sell down.

Look at your stock charts. I’m not making this up. It’s all right there in the historical news and historical stock charts. See if you can figure out the rest. When I have time I give you the answers. In the meantime, check out the moves on the stock charts. Draw some lines. See how it moves. Enjoy.

2 Responses to “Some Coded Events”

  1. 9-Month Cycle Says:

    Week of 8/1/2021 the story was Salvage Of Golden Ray Shipwreck

    Week of 5/8/2022 there were two stories — Prison Escapee Casey White Captured After Ten Days and Payton Gendron Kills Ten At Tops Market

    Next Week 40 will be week of 2/12/2023

    Welcome aboard, new folks! Welcome aboard.

  2. 9-Month Cycle Says:

    The next Week 40 is the week starting Sunday, November 19, 2023.

    We have two 40th weeks this year.

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